Your Trusted, Local Resource for Montana Forestry Services

Featured Service: Forest Health and Fuels Reduction

PRIVATE LAND DEFENSIBLE SPACE -- Westslope Forest Management works with local granting agencies throughout Western Montana to complete various fuels reduction and forest health grants. These grants use federal funds to thin forests located within the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI). These grants are a cost share with the landowner, which significantly subsidizes the out-of-pocket cost from the owner. LEARN MORE HERE

Passionate about the Forests & Wildlands of Montana

Westslope Forest Management provides a personalized, balanced approach to an array of forest, water, and wildland needs. Our goal is to create and maintain lasting relationships with landowners of Western Montana. Our team is passionate about the forests and wildlands of Montana and we specialize in creating management plans to keep these lands healthy and productive. We aim to create, restore and preserve the beauty for which this great state is famous.

Westslope Forest Management also specializes in improving forested and riparian habitats, preparing land for timber sales, controlling and preventing destructive and invasive species and working with local and state agencies to reduce the risk of fire.

Our team consists of certified foresters and arborists, forest technicians, tree fallers, equipment operators, biologists and botanists. We are a small, local business with a great level of expertise and a tremendous passion for the wildlands of Montana.

Our Projects

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