Your Trusted, Local Resource for Montana Forestry Services
Featured Service: Forest Health and Fuels Reduction
Passionate about the Forests & Wildlands of Montana

Westslope Forest Management provides a personalized, balanced approach to an array of forest, water, and wildland needs. Our goal is to create and maintain lasting relationships with landowners of Western Montana. Our team is passionate about the forests and wildlands of Montana and we specialize in creating management plans to keep these lands healthy and productive. We aim to create, restore and preserve the beauty for which this great state is famous.
Westslope Forest Management also specializes in improving forested and riparian habitats, preparing land for timber sales, controlling and preventing destructive and invasive species and working with local and state agencies to reduce the risk of fire.
Our team consists of certified foresters and arborists, forest technicians, tree fallers, equipment operators, biologists and botanists. We are a small, local business with a great level of expertise and a tremendous passion for the wildlands of Montana.
Our Projects
Learn More About Our Recent Work Below
- Date
- August 16, 2016
We have been developing a forest management plan for the Sawmill Gulch Homeowners Association. This work has consisted of creating a long term forest health and […]- Date
- July 19, 2016
In 2015, Westslope Forest Management helped to complete the rebuilding of the Kelly Island Fishing Access Site on the Clark Fork River in Missoula. This work consisted of […]- Date
- July 19, 2016
Since 2010, Westslope Forest Management has been working with landowners in the Mission Valley to improve forest and rangeland health through ongoing stewardship. We have developed an intensive […]